Constitution Organization of the Document

Like any well thought-out document, the Constitution of the United States is organized into specific sections that deal with definable elements.

The Constitution is organized as follows:

Article I: Creates the Legislative Branch

Article II: Creates the Executive Branch

Article III: Creates the Judicial Branch

Article IV: Crafts the relationship between the federal government and the states, as well as explains the obligations that states owe to each other

Article V: Explains how the Constitution can be amended

Article VI: Explains certain details about the transition from the Articles of Confederation-bound government to the Constitution-bound government and establishes the supremacy of the United States Constitution, international treaties, and all and federal laws made in pursuance of the Constitution

Article VII: Explains how the Constitution is ratified and testifies to the unanimous support of the states represented at the Constitutional Convention

The Bill of Rights: Amendments 1-10

Constitutional Amendments: Amendments 11-27

Source: Library of Congress, National Archives, US Constitution